Sci-fi Fantasies


It's been pretty evident in the past 6 months that my tabletop gaming’s slowed down a mite (ha!). It was Solotober over at BGG so I needed to find the time to actually play a game a day. So far, I’ve actually completed Solotober. But that meant other gaming and lobbying activities had to slow down or take a back seat. 

However, because I managed to pick up a copy of GW's Darktide for a 40% discount (I wanted to used the minis for Blackstone Fortress so the actual Darktide game was a bonus) that meant I did get some miniatures gaming done as well.

An ongoing project for me is to gather enough minis to play a 5 Parsecs campaign in Grimdark Space (aka Warhammer 40k). To that end, I’ve got enough minis from the core Blackstone Fortress box...

... the Escalation expansion (not easy to find for a price that doesn’t cost an arm and two legs)... 

... and the Elucidean Starstriders (formerly Rogue Traders) Kill Team to use as my crew or for assorted solo bad guys and NPCs.

So as you can see, I've lots of options.

For enemy types, it’s a bit more problematic.

Generic Gangers will be the Orlock gang. I think. Already have them.

Raiders are…? Escher? (Not that I have it yet but the local 2nd hand market has a set for sale.)

Cultists of all sorts will of course be the Chaos Cultists. Already own them.

Gene Renegades are of course Genestealers or Brood Scum in Necromunda. (Why is there no clean photo of them?) Already own the Hive Secundus box.

Secret Agents and Assassins are…? DeLaque (because I already own them).

K’erin Outlaws are… Kroot? And K'erin of all sorts actually. I own them already.

Skulker Brigands and Skulker Mercenaries  are Mantic Veer-myn since GW does’t make space Skaven.

Renegade Soldiers are of course Traitor Guards.

Black Ops Team and some of the Mercenary Companies will be Van Saar Tek Hunters (and normal Van Saar if I can get hold of them).

Feral Mercenaries are Fellgor Beastmen. Already have some from Blackstone Fortress and need to get the Kill Team box for more.

Hulker Gang are… probably going to be Goliath. If I can bring myself to buy the original Necromunda Underhive box for the minis.

Roid-gangers and assorted Converted etc. will probably be Mazon Labs from Mantic's Deadzone supplemented if necessary by 3D printed stuff. Already own this.

Nomads and locals of all sorts will of course be the Ash Waste Nomads since I already own them.

A huge hole in all of this is of course the Precursors. Space elves. I can either use Mantic's Asterians or the actual Space elves from 40K if I can find a set going cheap. 

Any other suggestions you guys can give me? I've got a blank here:

Anarchists are …?

Pirates are…?

Tech Gangers are…?

Starport Scum are…?

Gun Slingers are…?

Unknown Mercs are…?

Enforcers are…?

Guild Troops are…?

War Bots are…?

One backup plan I have is to supplement them with 3D printed models. I already have enough War Bots for this purpose. I'm just trying to stick to the Grimdark Universe and lore as much as I can. Starport Scum and low rent Gangers can be the Judge Dredd Mega City Block Gangers but their aesthetic is a bit off. A better bet would be the Necromunda Hive Scum but I think GW isn't selling them any more and I don't want to pay an arm and leg for them, unless I can fund someone stripping the latest Hive Secundus for parts and I just buy up the Hive Scum sprues.

Anyway, that's my latest dream fantasy. Let's see if it will all come true or I'm just wasting my money buying up all these GW models since I don't play Kill Team or 40K. (Although I might as well play Necromunda since I have the Hive Secundus set but that's going to take a lot of painting and assembling and persuading my FLGS to bring in this TTCombat terrain set below - IRON LABYRINTH: DEATH QUADRANT COMPLEX - because I don't want to pay another arm and leg for official GW terrain.)
