Filling in the blanks


This was the post I meant to write before the post on Eden. Despite the radio silence from me, I wasn’t inactive during August and September. I was just too busy to write about it.

I mangled to get a fair bit done in those two months.

I managed to completely paint the core box for Trudvang Legends AND managed to complete the campaign as well. An amazing feat and not sure if I can replicate it… though I’m sure gonna try! Maybe Core Space?

In addition I’m re-skinning the heroes and monsters into a Sellswords and Spellslingers version to use in Norse themed games. I realised I have lots of Trudvang minis that can be re-purposed and I want to see how this works. There will be more single wandering monsters because the minions don’t have many minis (4 max). Note this is till a WIP.

For September I finished of the Star Saga campaign as well as a few more minis and terrain pieces I’d overlooked.

I’ve just finished the Core Space Perseus Arm campaign. I'll paint some more minis next. Between Core Space and Star Sage, this will put me in good shape to either play more 5 Parsecs or even Stargrave as one of the guys in my gaming group wants to try Stargrave.
