A Quick and Dirty Update

Pushing Myself (not the pikes)

Hi, folks! Here’s a quick and dirty update wrt to A Push of Pike aka Pike and Shotte Epic Battles. 

The Push of Pike box says there are 1390 minis in the box! (Technically correct).

So... 10 done. 1,380 to go! ðŸ˜µ‍💫



This will be my Swedish Yellow Regiment.

It took me about 80 minutes to get this strip done. Hope that’s because it’s my first one and I was still figuring out what to do. I’m trying to get it down to 60 minutes/strip so I can do 2 a night.

(The teaser photo at the top is the game I'm beta play testing with the minis blurred out. Send your best guess what game you think it could be.)
