A Quick and Dirty Update

The State of the Games...


It should've come to the attention of all faithful followers of my little blog (all 3 of you! 😜) what with all the new stuff I've been trying out...  I've shamefully left off a few mini campaigns I have started and have yet to complete.

First up, the oldest one on the back burner is Horizon Wars: Zero Dark. I need to complete chapter 3 of the mini campaign in the core rule book. What's stopping me? I'm in the process of converting Zero Dark to 15mm. In the process I'll lose the current Team as I can't find any suitable 15mm minis (yet). I think I'll just finish the game with my original 28mm minis first. Then switch.

Next, is Zona Alfa. The third and final chapter. What happens after the band of crafty scavengers finds the key card in Big Nik's stash? I'm also in the process of converting ZA to 15mm. But again I will complete the game with Maksim and crew as not all the 15mm pieces are in place yet.

Lastly is my game that started this entire flirtation with 15mm: CROM and my 3 chapter adventure of Conan and Belit vs. the Warlock. My Reaper minis came in, so I do have a suitable Lich Wrym (finally) ...

... a suitable sacrificial altar... 

... a suitable nasty statue to some unnamed Elder One with lots of tentacles for a face... 

... and some various nasty monsters that will suit the Conan mythos perfectly. 

So Conan and will have new nasties to face as they have their showdown with the Warlock.

The plan is to get all of these to the table this month of April... and I carefully avoided uploading this on April 1 to show that I'm serious!
